
Posts Tagged ‘Allergies’

Dr. Davis here from Vista…In the first installment of this blog post we looked at where the nerves go and what types of conditions can be a result of problems with these nerves.  So lets continue that look at the nerves as they go into the body…

  • The nerves from that go into the body cavity go into the heart-problems may manifest like irregular heartbeat, palpitations etc,
  • Then the lungs are next-this can lead to shallow breathing, shortness of breath, asthma, allergies
  • Then the next set goes into the liver, gallbladder, and stomach-this can lead to indigestion, heartburn, bloating and gas.
  • The next set goes into the energy producing organs-the pancreas, spleen,  and adrenals-interference can lead to decreased energy and vitality.
  • The next set goes into the intestines-constipation, diarrhea, cramps, irritable bowel syndrome, etc can result.
  • Then there are the nerves to the kidneys,  and urinary system.  If that system is weakened it may result in chronic infections (UTI).
  • Then there are nerves that control the reproductive system-in women may see irregular or painful menstrual cycles.  In men, this can lead to impotence or other sexual dysfunctions.
  • And lastly there are 3 nerves that come out of the lower back and go into the legs….one goes across the hips down into the knees and the outside of the legs…this can lead to pain, numbness, tingling or weakness in these areas.
  • The next nerve is the classic sciatic nerve…goes into the back of the hip down the back of the leg into the calf, down the leg into the outside of the foot…this nerve also effects the prostate…this can lead to pain, numbness, tingling or weakness in this area as well and prostate dysfunction.
  • The last nerves goes around the belt line and goes into the groin and down inside of the leg to the big toes.  Problems here can lead to pain, numbness, tingling or weakness in this distribution.

Courtesy of Dr. Brooks…

So when the spine is misaligned it can virtually affect any of those nerves in any of those ways and those are just the peripheral nerves and not the central nervous system…which can affect the body in completely different ways…(see what is the brain stem? for more info https://nuccadoctordavis.wordpress.com/2010/06/11/whats-the-brain-stem/)

Now do you better understand the results that we see at Breath of Life?  How a patients digestive function improves?  Why a person with chronic urinary tract infections finds a resolution?  How a person’s hearing can improve?  God has put an amazing amount of power inside our body’s nervous system…and when that system is working at less that 100% then the entire body is compromised…Is your nervous system working at 100%? 

If your spine is misaligned the answer is no!

Schedule a complimentary consultation to find out if you are a candidate for NUCCA Spinal Care today!


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Dr. Davis here from Vista…The Nervous system is the master system of the entire body.  When the spine has become misaligned (see a recent article https://nuccadoctordavis.wordpress.com/2010/07/13/is-one-of-your-legs-shorter-than-the-other/) the nervous system which is the brain, the brain stem, the spinal cord and the nerves that go out into the body become less functional and eventually symptoms begin to present themselves.  Which symptoms?  Depends on the person…everyone is different.  However the misalignment of the spine beginning in the upper neck is what changes everything.  Because upper neck misalignments have the most far-reaching effects on the body.  There are 300 Trillion nerves that pass through this fuse box of the body located just below the skull.  Because these upper neck misalignments also cause the most compensations throughout the rest of the spinal column the conditions that can result are numerous.  In my office, I have seen everything from Plantar Fascitis, a foot problem to Ringing in the Ears respond to an upper neck correction that changes the entire body.

So lets look at the distribution of the peripheral nerves and what types of conditions can result from problems in different areas…

First…there are 3 nerves that come out of the neck into the head…

  • One supplies the muscles of the scalp and the inner and middle ear-this can lead to conditions like stress headaches, dizziness, dis-equilibrium, ear infections and ringing in the ears
  • The next supplies the sinuses and eyes-dysfunction here can lead to sinus problems-infections & congestion, allergies, vascular congestion and hay fever
  • Then the third nerve goes to the teeth, gums and jaw-this can be associated with jaw pain or TMJ, clicking, face pain, teeth pain etc.

The next nerve goes to supply the muscles of the neck-problems here can lead to stiffness and pain in the neck

Next we have 3 nerves that come out of the neck and go into the arms

  • The first goes across the shoulder, down the arm and into the thumb & first two fingers-problems here can cause shoulder pain, arm pain or weakness and numbness and tingling into the arm and hand
  • The second goes down the middle of the arm and into the middle two fingers-problems here can lead to numbness or tingling, pain or weakness into the arm or hand
  • The third goes into the thyroid, under the shoulder-blade, under the arm, into the elbow, and into the last three fingers-this can create thyroid dysfunction, pain between the shoulder blades, numbness, tingling, pain or weakness into the elbow, arm or hand

Next time we will look at where the rest of these nerves go in part 2 of this blog post…

If you know someone who is struggling with one of the conditions listed above or many of them…an Atlas misalignment could be the cause…get your spine and nerve system evaluated today….Breath of Life in Vista CA is a good place to start if you are in the San Diego County area.  Anywhere else go to www.nucca.org to find a doc in your area.

God Bless and Be Well,

Dr. Davis

Breath of Life, Upper Cervical Care 760-945-1345

161 Thunder Drive, Suite 104, Vista CA 92083

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Your body inappropriately perceives the allergen as a threat.

Upper Cervical Chiropractic care doesn’t treat allergies
. So, why do so many people with allergies mention that they see improvement by receiving care in our practice?

It’s Not the Pollen

There are many signs of an allergic reaction. Itchy eyes. Runny nose. Sneezing. Skin rash. More serious reactions can include constricted air passageways, vomiting and even death. All this from a handful of peanuts, an encounter with a cat or microscopic grains of pollen in the air!

 Allergen Fear?

Your body inappropriately perceives the allergen as a threat.

If everyone reacted to these common substances, we could fix the blame squarely on the nut, dander, shellfish or pollen. But not everyone reacts.

What is it?

Inappropriate Threat

Your nervous system is the master system that orchestrates your immune system, glandular system, respiratory system and every other system that reacts inappropriately to an allergen. Normally, these systems help you respond and adapt to the world around you. But suffering from uncontrollable sneezing around a house cat is probably an inappropriate reaction.

If your nervous system isn’t working right, you don’t work right. So, rather than direct our attention to the countless potential allergens, we locate and reduce the disturbances we find to your nervous system.


How full is your adaptation bucket?

A Full Bucket

Each of us was born with the capacity to withstand or adapt to stress. If we’re unable to deal with things we eat, breathe or come into contact with it may be because our margin to adapt is used up.

Pretend that this bucket represents your capacity to adapt to the physical, emotional and chemical stresses of life. Every stressful encounter your body faces, fills up your bucket. If your bucket is already full and you encounter pollen, foods or other chemicals, your bucket overflows.

When that happens, people say they’re having an allergic reaction. But what they’re really saying is, “I’ve lost my ability to adapt. My margin is used up.”

Chiropractic: Nervous System

So, we don’t treat allergies. We look for ways to restore your ability to adapt to allergens by locating and reducing disturbances to your nervous system. Simple, really.

Who do you know that isn’t adapting to the stressors in their life?  Allergies?  Chronic Pain?  Sinus problems? 

Get on the path to better health today through Upper Cervical Care!!!

760-945-1345  www.nuccawellness.com

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Head trauma and Fibromyalgia frequently go hand in hand.  15 years ago after a severe fall Lynn began developing Fibromyalgia type pains throughout her body, allergies, headaches and more.  By realigning the Atlas with Upper Cervical Care, Lynn is getting her life back…here is her amazing story…

“I came into Dr. Davis’ office with Fibromyalgia pain, allergies, low back pain and headaches.  After my very first visit I found that the congestion in my sinuses was cleared.  I could breath so much deeper.  After 15+ years of taking allergy medication, I no longer need them!! 

 I am sleeping sounder and I don’t have muscle spasms in my back anymore!

I have more energy to exercise.  I have been able to garden and do yard work without back pain!  It used to take a week to recover from 2 hours of gardening!

 Dr. Davis truly cares about his patients well being.  He explains everything and takes his time with you.  The relaxed, calm and caring atmosphere is wonderful!  And Linde’s smile is such a blessing.

 I got my life back!

 I love to serve the Lord and now I can do it without the pain!”

Lynn D.                                                           April 16th, 2010

What an awesome story of the power of God that made the body is the power of God that heals the body.  If you have a friend or family member who has been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia following a physical trauma such as car crash or fall, than Upper Cervical Care could be the answer to the mystery! 

Tell a friend today!


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Today we are going to discuss a rare and debilitating condition that few doctors have even heard of, let alone have any clue what the cause is….

“According to Wikipedia…Brachioradial pruritis (sometimes abbreviated BRP) is an intense itching sensation of the arm usually between the shoulder and elbow of either or both arms.  The itch can be so intense that sufferers will scratch their own skin to a bleeding condition. The cause is not known, although there are a few lines of thought on what causes it. No cure has been found. Many different medications and types of topical creams have been experimented with, but none seem to make any difference. The only thing that seems to help most sufferers is the application of ice to the area until the itch is diminished.”

So imagine that your arms itch all the time and it gets worse at night.  Keeping you awake and creating fatigue and other problems that are severely affecting your work and family life.  You go to the medical doctor and he says it must be some kind of dermatitis.  He refers you to a Dermatologist.  They give you creams and antihistamines trying to control some kind of allergic reaction.  But you have no improvement the only thing that helps is putting ice on your arms.  So you stay up half the night with ice on your arms wondering what is happening with you?!  Is it all in your head?  Are you imagining these sensations?

In the literature one possible cause is compression of the cervical nerve roots.  The most common treatments medication for pain, allergy pills and creams!?  What!?  If the probable cause is compression or irritation of the nerves that come out of the neck…why don’t we take the pressure off?  Get to the cause and allow the nerves to heal?

Again from Wikipedia…”The main cause of BRP is not known but there is evidence to suggest that BRP may arise in the nervous system Cervical spine disease may be an important contributing factor.”

Look at the neck!!!  Why do we cover up symptoms rather than finding the cause?  If you struggle with Brachioradial Pruritis…there is hope…upper cervical care may be the answer.  If you can realign the neck and take pressure off of the nerves and keep it that way…not through manipulation where it works for a little while and then comes right back…but through truly realigning the spinal column you can get your life back!!!

Here is Jennifer’s story from our office…

“When I first came to the office I was looking for relief from severe burning and itching in my arms.  I also had muscle tightness and spasms in my upper back and neck.  I was unable to sleep for more than 4 hours at a time due to the itching.  I had tried multiple treatments including Benadryl, topical ointments and creams with no results.

 Since beginning care I had almost instant relief of the burning and itching in my arms.  My neck and upper back feel much better.  The muscle spasms and tenderness are much less.  And I can sleep through the night again.

 The care at Breath of Life is thorough and complete…no surprises.  Dr. Davis and staff are very informative, pleasant and accommodating!                Jen E., Encinitas CA

Dr. William R. Davis Jr., D.C. is a Oceanside Chiropractor and Upper Cervical Specialist. He is in private practice in Southern California in the city of Vista. He specializes in correcting problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems. More information can be found on his website at http://www.nuccawellness.com

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What is NUCCA?  Is it a new dance craze?  Is it some exotic fruit?  No.  NUCCA stands for the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association.  It is a group of specially trained chiropractic doctors who focus on the correction of head/neck misalignment.  There are only approximately 200 NUCCA Doctors in the world.  This form of health care is very unique and very effective at restoring balance to the spinal column and entire body.  Restoring head/neck alignment has helped 1000’s of people to live healthier lives and recover from 100’s of different chronic health conditions including:   

  • Acid Reflux
  • ADD
  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Autism                     

                This is just the A’s of the conditions that have been helped or completely eliminated by Upper Cervical Care…                 

How it Works

The neck is called the cervical region of the spine.  The first neck vertebrae also known as the Atlas or C-1 is a small ring like bone located at the top of the spine directly below the base of the skull.  This area surrounds the brain stem. The Brain Stem region controls many extremely important functions in your body; including the function of the ears, eyes, nose and throat, balance of the muscles that surround the spinal column, the heart, lungs, digestive organs, male and female organs etc.  When the spine is subjected to stress it can become misaligned beginning at the Atlas vertebrae.  The spine will then compensate for the misalignment of the head and neck by the rest of the spine moving and twisting out of their normal positions.  This head/neck misalignment will result in a distortion of the messages being sent from the brain to the body resulting in a variety of health conditions.

Just when you thought you checked everything…have you checked to see if your head is on straight?

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