
Archive for the ‘Urinary Problems’ Category

Dr. Davis here from Vista…In the first installment of this blog post we looked at where the nerves go and what types of conditions can be a result of problems with these nerves.  So lets continue that look at the nerves as they go into the body…

  • The nerves from that go into the body cavity go into the heart-problems may manifest like irregular heartbeat, palpitations etc,
  • Then the lungs are next-this can lead to shallow breathing, shortness of breath, asthma, allergies
  • Then the next set goes into the liver, gallbladder, and stomach-this can lead to indigestion, heartburn, bloating and gas.
  • The next set goes into the energy producing organs-the pancreas, spleen,  and adrenals-interference can lead to decreased energy and vitality.
  • The next set goes into the intestines-constipation, diarrhea, cramps, irritable bowel syndrome, etc can result.
  • Then there are the nerves to the kidneys,  and urinary system.  If that system is weakened it may result in chronic infections (UTI).
  • Then there are nerves that control the reproductive system-in women may see irregular or painful menstrual cycles.  In men, this can lead to impotence or other sexual dysfunctions.
  • And lastly there are 3 nerves that come out of the lower back and go into the legs….one goes across the hips down into the knees and the outside of the legs…this can lead to pain, numbness, tingling or weakness in these areas.
  • The next nerve is the classic sciatic nerve…goes into the back of the hip down the back of the leg into the calf, down the leg into the outside of the foot…this nerve also effects the prostate…this can lead to pain, numbness, tingling or weakness in this area as well and prostate dysfunction.
  • The last nerves goes around the belt line and goes into the groin and down inside of the leg to the big toes.  Problems here can lead to pain, numbness, tingling or weakness in this distribution.

Courtesy of Dr. Brooks…

So when the spine is misaligned it can virtually affect any of those nerves in any of those ways and those are just the peripheral nerves and not the central nervous system…which can affect the body in completely different ways…(see what is the brain stem? for more info https://nuccadoctordavis.wordpress.com/2010/06/11/whats-the-brain-stem/)

Now do you better understand the results that we see at Breath of Life?  How a patients digestive function improves?  Why a person with chronic urinary tract infections finds a resolution?  How a person’s hearing can improve?  God has put an amazing amount of power inside our body’s nervous system…and when that system is working at less that 100% then the entire body is compromised…Is your nervous system working at 100%? 

If your spine is misaligned the answer is no!

Schedule a complimentary consultation to find out if you are a candidate for NUCCA Spinal Care today!


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Dr. Davis here from Vista…On this blog we frequently speak of the misaligned spine and how it affects the health and function of our bodies.  Over the weekend I spent some time with a legendary NUCCA Doctor named Dr. Robert Brooks and he broke down the misaligned spine into such a clear and precise way that I wanted to share it with you…

The first thing that happens is there is an accident or injury that tears loose the connective tissue that holds the spine together.  This creates a weakness that allows the spine to break down and lock into a stressed position.  Lying down one of the legs is shorter and one is longer, standing up one hip is higher and one is lower, the head is tilted to the side, there is a twisting of the frame of the body…muscles are imbalanced, movement is abnormal and it creates a progressive condition that over time will wear down the structures of the body.

The key to understanding why the misaligned spine is so devastating to the function of the body is to see how closely related the nervous system is to the structure of the body.  When the structure is misaligned it can affect the brain, brainstem, the spinal cord and the nerves that make your body work.  Nerves from the brain primarily do 4 things..

1.  Every movement we make is from a nerve

2.  Everything that we sense or feel

3.  Control and regulation of every body function: (digestion, circulation, respiration, reproduction, body chemistry, etc.)

4.  And how we relate to the outside world is through the nervous system

So how many different problems could be associated with a misaligned spine?  There are over 100 different conditions in the literature that have either been directly caused by misalignments in the spine or associated with the misalignment.

How important is it to have your spine in alignment?  It is a no brainer to keep your spine in alignment throughout life.  Why is NUCCA so effective at restoring the spine to its normal position and then keeping it there throughout life?  In order to balance the spine the head must be balanced over the top of the spine.  Where the head goes the rest of the spine will follow.  If the atlas which sits underneath the head has been misaligned by accidents or injuries usually to the head, neck or spine then that will begin to shift the alignment of the entire rest of the spinal column creating an imbalance at the pelvis and an apparent short leg.  Many people will say that they can get those legs even…but how long will they stay that way?  That is the difference with upper cervical procedures like NUCCA and Orthospinology is the stability of the alignment after the correction.

Manipulation feels good and helps lots of people…but I don’t want to have to get adjusted once or twice a week to maintain my alignment.  I would rather have a long-term solution…like NUCCA.

Find out more at Upper Cervical Healthcare Simplified or www.nuccawellness.com or call to schedule a complimentary consultation to see if you are a candidate for NUCCA spinal care today!!!   760-945-1345

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One of the most common complaints voiced by women in our practice is that they are always so tired. Many women feel tired much of the time. What can cause this type of fatigue and what can you do about it?

There are a number of factors to consider:

• Are you getting enough sleep? If you’re only getting 5–6 hours each night, it’s not enough and it’s hard to make up for lost sleep. One night of lost sleep can take your body up to 2 weeks to fully recover from! Try to get at least 7–8 hours every night, and then see how you feel. Oh, and make sure your mattress isn’t causing a problem (see related article, Is Your Mattress at Fault?)

• Are you a chronic sufferer of “Super Mom Syndrome”? Are you the type of mom who just can’t say “NO” to the PTA? Your boss? The constant demands of children or aging parents? Charity organizations? Then you need to rethink the idea of saying “NO.” Practice, practice, practice and it will get easier every time!

• Do you have a condition that may be the cause of your fatigue? There are quite a few of them, including Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, anemia (especially if you have heavy periods or have just given birth), urinary tract infections, underactive thyroid, sleep apnea, food allergies and undiagnosed heart disease.

• Are you a heavy caffeine or energy drink consumer? While these may “seem” to give you a quick jolt of energy, they can actually cause the opposite effect in some women, making them even more tired. The solution? Cut back on your caffeine intake, ditch the energy drinks and remember that chocolate, teas, and some medications contain substantial caffeine levels.

Keep in mind that busy women need to find time for themselves to re-energize and go “back to the well.” You can’t possibly meet all the demands of today’s busy lifestyles without taking some time for you.  Keeping your immune system in optimal working condition also reduces the drain on your nervous system so it functions better to help you stay healthy.

And when you experience constant fatigue, upper neck misalignments can be the underlying factor.  Get the alignment of your spine evaluated, especially the upper neck where the majority of all nerves begin.  Problems in that vital area can be a major drain on your energy.  Getting your head on straight changes everything!

Find out more at www.nuccawellness.com or this blog

Call to schedule a no obligation complimentary consultation to see if NUCCA care is right for you today!!!


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Another patient who thoughts have changed since being under care.  The is a great story of a person getting their life back despite their skepticism!  Here is Margarita’s story…

“I had been in a car accident and my lower back was never the same after that.  I would get shooting pains down my right leg all the way to my foot almost daily.  It was very painful especially when I tried to exercise.  When Dr. Davis began adjusting me I was a bit skeptical that an upper neck adjustment could help me with my lower back.  But I had so much other treatment prior to coming to see Dr. Davis directed at my lower back…I figured why not! 

When I began to get adjusted I noticed that the my lower back started to go away.  I also noticed that the leg pain was going as well.  I have been under Dr. Davis’ care for over a year and I rarely have problems with my lower back.  I am able to exercise 3-4 times per week.  But something even more exciting has happened…since I was a little girl I have had problems with bladder infections (UTI’s).  I would get a Urinary Tract Infection about every 4-6 weeks.  The medical doctors could never figure out why.  A few months after seeing Dr. Davis my UTI’s have gone away and have not come back!

I am so excited about chiropractic!  I tell everyone I know that they need to be under regular chiropractic care for better health!

Margarita L.

Tell a Friend about NUCCA today!  Don’t let your skepticism keep you from getting healthy!

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