
Posts Tagged ‘Vertigo’

Meniere’s disease is a triad of symptoms that affects one ear…hearing loss, vertigo and ringing in the ear.  This condition can be debilitating.  In Dave’s case the vertigo was so severe that he was having a hard time driving.  The ringing in his ears was driving him crazy and the hearing loss was so severe that he was unable to hear his 2 year old daughter crying in the night if he was laying on his good ear.  Here is his story…

“I had been diagnosed with Meniere’s Disease which included vertigo attacks, dizzy spells, ringing in the ear and fullness in the ear and hearing loss.  Since beginning care at Breath of Life Chiropractic all symptoms have improved.  The vertigo has stopped and the dizzy spells have diminished significantly.  The ringing in the ear and head has gone away completely!  The fullness sensation and hearing loss have also improved.  As an added bonus the lower back pain that I had suffered from for over 10 years has completely gone away! 

The NUCCA method is not a magic bullet treatment…your body needs time to heal.  But even three months into care I am still seeing positive changes in my health and life.  The personal relationship that has developed with Dr. Davis has been great.  It is very reassuring that someone else is so interested in my well being!  Thank you…Dr. Davis!”

David N.

Meniere’s Disease is a complex condition that many people struggle to find any answers for…the upper cervical spine has a unique connection to the function of the ear and many people have found the help that they need through upper cervical care.

Tell a Friend today…760-945-1345  www.nuccawellness.com

For more info about upper cervical and Meniere’s Disease check out these links… http://drtanase.com/2010/03/04/do-you-have-menieres-disease/ 



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