
Archive for the ‘Migraines/Migraine Headaches’ Category

Dr. Davis here from Vista…On this blog we frequently speak of the misaligned spine and how it affects the health and function of our bodies.  Over the weekend I spent some time with a legendary NUCCA Doctor named Dr. Robert Brooks and he broke down the misaligned spine into such a clear and precise way that I wanted to share it with you…

The first thing that happens is there is an accident or injury that tears loose the connective tissue that holds the spine together.  This creates a weakness that allows the spine to break down and lock into a stressed position.  Lying down one of the legs is shorter and one is longer, standing up one hip is higher and one is lower, the head is tilted to the side, there is a twisting of the frame of the body…muscles are imbalanced, movement is abnormal and it creates a progressive condition that over time will wear down the structures of the body.

The key to understanding why the misaligned spine is so devastating to the function of the body is to see how closely related the nervous system is to the structure of the body.  When the structure is misaligned it can affect the brain, brainstem, the spinal cord and the nerves that make your body work.  Nerves from the brain primarily do 4 things..

1.  Every movement we make is from a nerve

2.  Everything that we sense or feel

3.  Control and regulation of every body function: (digestion, circulation, respiration, reproduction, body chemistry, etc.)

4.  And how we relate to the outside world is through the nervous system

So how many different problems could be associated with a misaligned spine?  There are over 100 different conditions in the literature that have either been directly caused by misalignments in the spine or associated with the misalignment.

How important is it to have your spine in alignment?  It is a no brainer to keep your spine in alignment throughout life.  Why is NUCCA so effective at restoring the spine to its normal position and then keeping it there throughout life?  In order to balance the spine the head must be balanced over the top of the spine.  Where the head goes the rest of the spine will follow.  If the atlas which sits underneath the head has been misaligned by accidents or injuries usually to the head, neck or spine then that will begin to shift the alignment of the entire rest of the spinal column creating an imbalance at the pelvis and an apparent short leg.  Many people will say that they can get those legs even…but how long will they stay that way?  That is the difference with upper cervical procedures like NUCCA and Orthospinology is the stability of the alignment after the correction.

Manipulation feels good and helps lots of people…but I don’t want to have to get adjusted once or twice a week to maintain my alignment.  I would rather have a long-term solution…like NUCCA.

Find out more at Upper Cervical Healthcare Simplified or www.nuccawellness.com or call to schedule a complimentary consultation to see if you are a candidate for NUCCA spinal care today!!!   760-945-1345

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Dr. Davis here from Vista CA…

While there are many different causes of headaches…there has never been a documented case where the underlying cause was Advil defiency!?!  Advil, Aspirin, Tylenol is only masking your symptoms while the underlying cause continues to worsen.  While I have seen amazing results in my own patients with headaches, there is also a growing body of other research that shows that chiropractic adjustments are very effective for headaches.  Reports documenting successful treatment of patients with headaches using upper cervical chiropractic care are many, including seeing positive results (symptoms were dramatically improved and/or eliminated) achieved in approximately 1000 headache cases (from The Palmer Research Clinic) whose upper cervical subluxations were corrected.

Other studies…

“Researchers found that chiropractic patients experienced fewer side effects (than medication) and while both were effective during the treatment phase of the study, only the chiropractic patients continued to report fewer headaches when treatment ended.” [Boline, PD, Kassak, K, et al. “Journal of Manipulative and Physiological thereapeutics.” March/April 1995; Vol 18, No 3, pp. 148-154]

“Based on literature review of several headache treatment options, a panel of 19 multidisciplinary experts concluded that spinal adjustments resulted in almost immediate improvement for cervicogenic headaches and had significantly fewer side effects and longer lasting relief of tension type headache than a commonly prescribed medication.” [McCrory DC, et al. “Evidence Report: Behavioral and Physical Treatments for Tension type and Cervicogenic Headache.” Duke University Evidence-Based Practice Center, Durham, North Carolina, January 2001.]

Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care is extremely effective in correcting the underlying cause of a variety of different headaches.  Who do you know that is struggling with chronic headaches?  Tell a Friend today!  760-945-1345

Here is some more info on upper cervical chiropractic and headaches…


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         It’s remarkable to consider how many different types of pain relievers there are for headaches. Not just the corner drug stores but also supermarkets, convenience stores, and gas stations keep an abundant supply. Aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen, is consumed daily in America by the truckloads.

         Have you ever thought about how we approach a health problem or symptom? Too often it’s a knee-jerk reaction where we pop a pill for whatever ill. Rarely do we ask why there is a headache? What is causing this headache?

         It is very well established that there are many causes for headaches. Chemical imbalances in the body can of course cause head pain such as in dehydration or intoxication.

         But in large part, the pill stock in gas stations isn’t targeted to the occasional hangover, it supplies the masses who suffer with tension headaches, migraines, and headaches due to mechanical neck disorders (e.g. whiplash). So what is the pill actually doing chemically? This varies from pill to pill. The side effects can range from stomach bleeding, to liver and kidney problems. Most people who take these medications have pain for years and decades. It is long-term use that is especially detrimental to the body. Headaches are a chronic disease and it is likely there will be triggers for you for many years to come.

         Prescription NSAIDs and pain pills are usually much more powerful unless you’re doubling up on over-the-counter drugs. With prescription patches and pills it is easy to get addicted if taken over the long run.

         But there is a different way to see the problem than the chemical approach. Although the mode of action of these different drugs changes, an important fact remains that they do not treat mechanical problems of the neck. If your headache is being caused by a joint injury in the neck, no amount of drug can correct this postural fault.

         How would I know if my headache is really a spine problem? It could be that you notice stiffness in the neck or maybe it’s harder to look over one shoulder. If your headaches are accompanied by a lot of shoulder and neck stiffness and tension, this is a sign of a spine cause. In some cases though, the spine symptoms are very mild, so it is easy to see why patients rarely make the connection in their minds.

         Several clinical trials have shown chiropractic adjustments are effective for patients with tension-type and migraine headaches. Less immediate side effects were also noted compared to those getting drug treatment.

         By identifying the cause of your headache, you’ve changed your thinking to looking past the pain and asking why?

Courtesy of Dr. Weir

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Day in and day out I have the opportunity to meet patients in my office who have been suffering needlessly with pains and headaches, many times for years. When I look at what is wrong with these patients through precise upper cervical x-rays and begin correcting these problems we find that the majority of them are in pain because the bones in their spines are out of alignment. It is my greatest privilege to bring alignment and function back to someone’s spine and watch their health improve. But frankly I am frustrated! I am frustrated because I know that there are MILLIONS more people out there that are suffering on a daily basis with debilitating pain that would be relieved with Upper Cervical chiropractic care. Some estimates suggest 25% of the population has a headache right now! A comprehensive U.S. study reported that 10 million Americans suffer moderate to severe disability from various forms of headaches. It’s time that people know there is an answer to their headaches other than potentially harmful medications.

So for the month of July I will be having a special promotion that will allow people to see if their head is on straight…so watch for more details to come as July draws closer…and watch for more articles on headaches in the coming weeks.

Find out more at www.nuccawellness.com or look under the headache tab on this blog.

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Dr. Davis here again from Vista….Migraine Headaches are something that we see a lot of at Breath of Life…we have been blessed to help tons of people who have chronic tension headaches, Migraines, cluster headaches and more.  If your head hurts it could be because you have a misalignment in your upper neck putting pressure on the nerves that go up into the head.  Here is one example…Jen L. came to us with severe Migraines…she was getting up to 30 Migraines per month!  This was severely affecting her work at school…she is a college student and she was concerned that she was going to have a hard time getting employment after school.  She also noticed that the medications that once took the symptoms of the headache away…weren’t working as well…so she had to take heavier duty meds…including narcotics!

Well the Migraines slowly starting going away from 30 to 3 the first month under care to 2 per month and now to 1 per month from 30!  She hopes with continued care that she will have a month completely free of Migraines soon.  Praise God for the changes in Jennifer’s life because of upper cervical care.

Who do you know that has Migraines or any type of Headache?  Find the cause…don’t cover the symptoms anymore!

Share with a friend at www.nuccawellness.com

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