
Posts Tagged ‘no cracking or twisting’

Upper Cervical specific care requires no popping, cracking or twisting of the spine.  If you have always been nervous about getting your neck manipulated…you should know that their is another way…here is a story of a patient from our office who not only loves the results that we get but also how we get them…

“When I first came to Dr. Davis I had been experiencing constant neck pain for over 8 years.  It was getting worse with time.  Every night before bed I was rubbing my neck and left shoulder with therapeutic balm and taking pain pills.  The condition was waking me up at night.  I had been to medical doctors, physical therapists and general chiropractors with little results.

 Since being under the care of Dr. Davis I have seen 90% of my neck pain go away.  My shoulder is much better as well.  If you don’t like getting your head and neck pulled and twisted to fix your problems than come see Dr. Davis for a much different experience.  A gentle way of correcting the spine.

 I love the total experience at Breath of Life from the gentle adjustments to the quiet room for resting, the soft chairs and the soft music.”

Linda B.                                                                                                                        May 2010  

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